For what purposes are the foamed PVC and what advantages have

by matheking

Advantages, quality characteristics and areas of use of foamed PVC

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) has long ceased to be an innovation. It is often used not only in construction, but also in the usual human life. There are two main types of PVC – hard and foamed. Let’s talk about the second, more popular. It is made quite simply: in the manufacture of plastic, it is fenced with small air bubbles, giving it the necessary volume and airiness. Outwardly extruded PVC, foamed, has a pleasant uniform look, with a color that does not burn out from sunlight. Therefore, he received such a wide distribution among users.

Due to homogeneity, it is easily painted, covered with a film and is used for stencil printing. The advantages of this plastic have a huge amount. Among the main ones, sound and thermal insulation, resistance to ultraviolet and self -replacement during fire can be called. For which he received recognition – this is lightness and volume. Most often, PVC is used in creating light advertising structures: advertising banners and stands, as well as signs. Construction work is not complete without it, since often all partitions, display cases and racks are made from this type of materials. Air conditioning, ventilation, sound insulation – PVC is found in every human life industry.

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