House construction: preparation and filling of the foundation

by matheking

Erection of the foundation in the process of building a house

After preparation, they move on to the marking of the site for the foundation, then earthwork begins. On the site they dig a pit, on the bottom of which a sand pillow is poured, solving the task of reducing the load that comes to the lower part of the foundation during the seasonal swelling of the soil.

After that, the beast of the formwork settings occurs, the entire structure is reinforced, the ventilation holes of the basement and the allotment for engineering communications are provided.

When these stages can be made to fill the foundation. After its end, it is necessary to give the foundation the time to ensure that it hardens enough and gains the necessary strength characteristics. This will take at least three weeks in favorable weather. A prerequisite for the construction of the foundation is a thoughtful waterproofing, if it is not provided, this will certainly come around serious problems in the operation of housing and a reduction in its service life.

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