How to install drywall on the walls correctly

by matheking

Methods for installing plasterboard sheets on the walls

The wall cladding with drywall will save you from labor -intensive walls to align and greatly facilitate the plastering decoration. Such material can be mounted in two ways:

– The first method includes the construction of the frame from a metal profile, then plasterboard sheets are attached to it. This type of installation will take a certain amount of area, it all depends on how “even” the wall;

– The second method is the installation of drywall on glue, this method is relevant for small rooms with minimal curvature surfaces. The company thermoprom is very popular now, many of its services are used daily.

If the room in which it is supposed to carry out repairs has walls with small irregularities, then it is recommended to install this material for glue. The adhesive solution should be thoroughly applied with a comb spatule in the center, as well as along the entire perimeter of a plasterboard sheet with a width of at least 20 cm.

Когда погрешность стены составляет 2 – 3 см, тогда монтаж листов происходит немного в другой технологии нанесения клея. The adhesive composition is applied over the entire surface of the drywall the form of slaps the size of a fist, every 35 – 40 cm.

Fastening of drywall sheets in both methods is similar: the sheet is pressed against the wall and is aligned under the level using a wooden bar and rubber hammer.

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