Wooden doors: manufacturing, casing and installation

by matheking

How to install, the doors are offended and lined

Wooden doors are installed from several boards or continuous. In this case, the boards can be arranged both vertically and horizontally. In some cases, stuffing a board and obliquely. The width of the boards or rails is selected individually, although if it is a door to the kitchen or living room, it is better to use wider material than for the door to the bedroom.

Interior wooden doors are not often upholstered or lined with materials, but they can be painted or decorated using a pattern. The door for the door can also be inserts from other materials.

Inserts for the manufacture of wooden doors can be made of white or under the color of the plastic tree. The sizes of plastic inserts can be different. It is best to apply a drawing on them so that the door view is more interesting.

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