Foundation arrangement: purpose, types and features of choice

by matheking

Types and features of the choice of foundation for a residential building

The foundation is a significant part of any building in terms of load that it takes upon itself from buildings. It is he who is the link that affects the stability of the building. In view of how strong and reliable it turns out, you will protect your future home from deformation and settling in the ground.

The foundation is selected during the implementation of serious engineering-geological and design-documentary calculations. Even financially, this is significantly expressed: its price usually occupies almost one third of the cost of all construction work.

In the practice of building residential buildings, several types of foundation are used, the construction of which directly depends on the following circumstances:- What type of soil prevails on the site- sandy or rocky, clay or loamy, etc. D.;- how deeply the soil freezes (here you have to keep in mind the geographical position of the construction site, it can be different: from one to two meters);- at what level the groundwater is located.

The specifics of the construction of the house and its material depend on the architectural project. Therefore, the form, the type of foundation in some cases is selected individually: it will be a pile, either columnar, strip or slab.

With cottage and summer cottage construction, the strip foundation is mainly in demand. This is a rigid, an alleged structure that is poured along all perimeters of the supporting walls of construction. The demand for strip foundations is explained by the fact that they are quite easy to execute and are available according to value criteria.

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