Wall plaster: preparatory work

by matheking

Preparation of walls for plaster: the main points and rules

After cleaning and priming walls, they are divided into equivalent areas 1, 5 mm wide. Further along these marks, using a painted thread, it is worth repulsing the lines vertically. After that, the stucco guides are selected, suitable in height and cut off excess elements with scissors for metal. When plaster walls by lighthouses, video recorded during the process and posted on the network will help beginners and facilitate this process.

Further along the edges of the wall, using the level, it is worthwhile to vertically put two guides. They must be attached using a solution applied to each profile in different places. Distances of 0, 5 m between the mounting points should be adhere to, and these points should be about five. The guides should be pressed to the wall, so that in their side wings, a solution used to fasten it should be released through the slots.

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