What disadvantages do brick residential buildings have

by matheking

Negative moments of the construction and operation of brick houses:

• low speed of multi -layer masonry of a brick house;

• the average density of the finished wall of brick houses is quite high, which determines its large weight, which means that considerable costs will require the construction of the foundation of the future house and the total cost of the houses will be more;

• since the service life of synthetic insulation is not yet perfect (approximately 25 years), usually the house will require re -thermal protection of the facade, and in the case when the cladding was performed using a brick replacement of the insulation, without dismantling the structures;

• In the case when the polystyrene foam is used as a heater of houses, this provides a kind of “thermos”, but inevitably carries low fire resistance and poor vapor permeability of the structure as a whole.

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