What woods of wood are used to build railings

by matheking

What types of wood are made of the railing

Wooden railing can be made of beech, which has a homogeneous pinkish or grayish uniform structure. Similar railings create peace and comfort in the house. In hardness of the railing from the beech are practically not inferior to oak. However, the beech is a little more difficult to process, and it is not so resistant to high humidity.

Wooden railing, which are made from “amber” wood, such as walnut and ash, indicate the well -being and success of their owner. These wood species are convenient to process. Of these, it is easy to create real works of art.

Luggage fences have a high margin of strength. If the material from the larch was previously well dried, then the railing from it will not absorb moisture.

High -ups from whole wood railing, such as Palcean, Amarat, Kumatra, Wenge and others, are very popular. They have traditionally dark and rich tones and beautiful texture. True, their cost is slightly higher due to the rarity in our latitudes of such varieties of wood. Such wooden materials are imported from afar.

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